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Writer's pictureSisther Pravia

Mercury Retrograde

Updated: May 3, 2022



Mercury Raggaeton has been in full effect since 9/27 and will end on 10/18. Retrograde means the planet seems like its rotating backwards. Therefore causing chaos and confusion. Since its in Libra it brings no peace, misbalance therefore we have no harmony. We still have another week to go but I got y’all with a simple spell to help you out. All you need is a white candle and a pin or needle.

You’re going to write on the candle little issues or problems you may have. For example money, need more love, less anxiety etc. Write as many as you can with your pin or needle. Burn the candle and focus on it melting away all your problems. Light it for a few minutes. For the next few days burn it whenever you feel pressure from the retrograde. You got this mi genet!


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